Review – Just Like Pulling Teeth – L. J. Harris


A trip to the dentist has never been so… interesting…



I was lucky enough to be a pre reader on this novella when Harris was writing it for the Bolloks anthology released earlier this year, but naturally, when it was released as a solo ebook, I had to buy a copy for my kindle.

Poor Aiden is suffering from a shocking toothache (something I have recently suffered, so I really do understand his pain), and ends up going to the dentist. Unlike my experience, his dentist is rather attractive, and Aiden make a bit of an idiot of himself under the influence of laughing gas.

How I wish I’d had Sebastian as my dentist, but I’m not as lucky as Aiden, unfortunately, and what follows is a funny and sweet story of attraction and interfering sisters.

As in anything I’ve read by Harris, the characters are relateable and aren’t perfect. They have character flaws like all of us, and manage to get themselves into awkward situations that the reader could imagine themselves in.

I have to admit that Rachel, Aiden’s sister, and her husband were possibly my favourite characters and they balance nicely against Aiden, who sometimes came across as a little uptight (there are reasons), but overall he is adorable.

Sebastian isn’t only gorgeous and a seemingly fabulous dentist, he also melts your heart when he speaks Portugese. Whilst it may not be French, or Italian, he still makes it sound wonderful enough for you to not care what he’s saying. He could whisper sweet, intelligible nothings, and I just wouldn’t care.

I have been in love with Harris’ work for a long time, and even though I’m not a big M/M reader, i will ALWAYS read and enjoy anything she writes, whether she publishes it or not. I can’t wait for more from her.

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Filed under Compilation, contemporary, Favourites, M/M, New Release, Novella, Review, Romance, Short Story

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